LEGO - Star Wars: Holiday Special

 LEGO - Star Wars: Holiday Special - Review

     By. Justin Azevedo
Synopsis - After the defeat of the First Oder and Emperor Palpatine. The Resistance Heroes prepare to Celebrate Life Day, also Rey (Voiced by. Helen Sadler) trains Finn (Voiced by. Omar Miller) to become a Jedi, but soon begins doubting her ability to teach. She then goes to a temple, where she finds a crystal that allows her to travel through time. Unfortunately, this power soon falls into the hands of the Sith of the past, who plan to use it to rewrite history, Rey will have to ally with the Jedi of the past in order to stop them! During which Finn, Poe and Rose, help Chewbacca prepare for the Life Day Party!

     The Holiday Special, takes place after the events of "The Rise of Skywalker" and has elements from the past Star Wars Film's including from the Originals, Prequels and Sequels, also from The T.V animated series Rebels and Clone Wars! The Special incorporated scenes from past Film, but also gave it that Lego vibe! 

     Rey (Voiced by. Helen Sadler) begins in the Special with training Finn into becoming a Jedi, while also help preparing for the Life Day party. However their lesson does not go as she hope, and begins to doubt her abilility to teach. She then goes through the Jedi text to find an answer to help her to better train Finn, which leads her to go on a quest to a Jedi Temple, that can show her what she needs to know as to what the kind of Jedi she is. However this forces her to leave her friends, as the secret can only be reveal on Life Day. As Ray and BD-1 find the temple they discover it's secret, which is a unique crystals together and creates a portal throughout Space and Time, which she discovers when she and BD-1, go through it and see Luke Skywalker training on Dagobah with Master Yoda (Empire Strikes Back). Rey then gets the idea to travel through moments and see other Master training their students so that she can know how to best train Finn and at first it proves helpful, only having some unexpected encounter's once, but then on her last trip, the Sith (Return of the Jedi) discovers her portal and Vader follows her. This leads to a confrontation with Darth Vader and tries to protect the Crystal Key. Rey and Vader's lightsaber battle wages all throughout time, and in the process takes other character from different Timeline's with them, until they landed on Tatooine, them back at the Temple, with a young Luke Skywalker (A New Hope). However upon returning Rey lost the Key to Vader, who used it to return to his time. Defeated Rey, blamed herself over the chaos that was caused and nearly gave up, until she was visited by the Force Ghost of Master Yoda, who showed her on what she was missing when training Finn and that her influence on him as made a impact on him, also the true purpose between a Master and Student, which help Rey regain her confidence and will a little extra wisdom from Yoda, able to gain the power to create a Time Portal of her own, to stop the Sith! Upon confronting the Sith on the Death Star, she was shock to see Ben Solo/Kylo Ren among then. This leads to a Battle between her and Kylo Ren, as she protected Young Luke Skywalker from him, She is soon join by the Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi), and the two fight together against Kylo Ren, Darth Vader and Palpatine. Rey manages to regain the Key and tearfully returns Kylo Ren. Palpatine then tries to persuade Rey into becoming his new apprentice but refuses and with Jedi Luke's help defeats him and Vader. She then bids farewell, to Jedi Luke and not only return Farm Luke back to his time, restores all the chaos that ensued. After she restorer's everything, she rejoins back with her friends to Celebrate Life Day and also now fully ready to train Finn into becoming a Jedi!

     Palpatine (Voiced by. Trevor Devall), from Return of the Jedi Timeline and the main Antagonist of the Holiday Special. He makes his appearance in his throne room on DeathStar 2 (which he call it) and receives from Vader for Life Day, which is mug saying "World's Best Emperor" which he is not overly impressed. He and Vader then stumble upon Rey's Time Portal and order's Vader to investigate by pushing him in the Portal. Upon Vader's return with the Crystal Key, Palpatine learns from him that it is capable to creating portals throughout space and time and he gives the idea to use this power to conquer the Galaxy, which Palpatine ignores and decides to use the power to travel to the future and see how he has Ruled over the Galaxy! He and Vader enter a portal and land in a Closet in the throne room of the Supreme Leader of the First Order Kylo Ren. It is then meeting Ren, that Palpatine learns of his soon to be fate, at the hands of his apprentice, which makes Palpatine plot against Vader and hatches a new plan to alter his destiny. He takes Kylo Ren back with him and Vader to their time and plan to make Kylo Ren his newest apprentice (Unaware that Kylo Ren has also betrayed and destroyed his Master Snoke) and have him destroy both Luke and Vader when the return from Endore! However Rey returns with Farm Luke Skywalker, which leads to a battle between her and Kylo Ren, which Palpatine order him to destroy her, then Luke and also Vader, which Vader hears as he had just returned with Jedi Luke! During the lightsaber battle between Rey and Jedi Luke vs Kylo Ren and Darth Vader, with Palpatine shooting lighting at the Jedi and his own allies as well, he then learns of Kylo Ren wanting to rule the Galaxy with Rey, which makes Palpatine think he plans to overthrow him! After Ren was sent back by Rey, Palpatine attacks Jedi Luke, then Vader (For throwing him down the Reactor Shaft), then speaks to Rey and offers her to become his New. New Apprentice, but she refuses, so Palpatine tries to take the Key so he can go back in time and destroy all his enemies and Rule the Galaxy for Eternity, but is thwarted by Rey and Jedi Luke. Palpatine then plans to destroy Jedi Luke once and for all, only for Vader to betray him and throwing him down the Reactor Shaft, as was the destiny he tried to erase. 
     Since this is a Holiday Special, the creators decided to have Palpatine to have a good redemption moment, which happened when he was thrown into the Reactor Shaft, he looked again at the Mug and actually though it was a nice gift, this leads him to question on his behavior towards others, that leads to a realization to no longer be a cruel Emperor and wanting to turn over a new leaf, though this did not help him escape his fate!

     Darth Vader (Voice by. James Earl Jones) from Return of the Jedi Timeline and the second Main Antagonist of the Holiday Special. He makes his appearance in the throne room of DeathStar 2, but was not too fond of the name and though of another name which was "Starkiller Base", though the Emperor rebuff the idea. Vader then presented him with a Life Day present, which was a Mug saying "Best Emperor" which Palpatine criticize him for such a gift. Upon seeing Rey's portal, Palpatine pushed Vader in to investigate, taking him to the future and confronting Rey in the temple. The two battled, upon Vader was surprise that Rey was a Jedi, they're battle over getting the Key took them trough time and through they're jumping Vader encountered a past version of himself (Empire Strikes Back). Vader and Rey continue to battle through the timelines and brought back character's from each of them, until they landed Tatooine, where they encounter Farm Luke with the Key. Vader and Rey chased after him, which brought them back to the temple. Vader then gained the upper hand and took the key and returned to the Emperor! Vader proceeded to tell Palpatine about the power of the Crystal and his plan on how to use it to Conquer the entire Galaxy, only to be ignored as Palpatine uses it to head to the Future, so Vader follows. They arrive in the closet in the Throne Room of the First Order, where they are discovered by Kylo Ren, who is shocked to see Vader and calls him "Grandpa" which Vader first plays along, but is then shock when he realizes the Kylo Ren is his Grandson! Later Kylo informs both Vader and Palpatine of their fate, which greatly upsets Palpatine, while Vader feel awkward. Vader then start to feel left out, when Palpatine complements Kylo Ren's Lightsaber and Helmet, upon when he saw it, just though it was a imitation of his! Upon returning to their timeline, Vader leaves to go fetch Jedi Luke Skywalker, unaware that Palpatine plots to destroy Vader and make Kylo Ren his New Apprentice, a plan he then leaned when he returned with Jedi Luke. As the Sith prepare to fight Rey and Jedi Luke, Vader wasn't too sure who side he was on, as both wanted his destruction, in the end he chose to fight for Palpatine, only to be attacked by him multiple times. Still wanting to prove himself to his Master, Vader prepared to attack Jedi, Luke only to be knocked down by Palpatine after getting hit by the crystal. In the end Vader finally fed up with Palpatine, betrayed him, only in this version, he was fed up of being unappreciated, and proceeded to throw Palpatine into the Reactor Shaft, thus completing his Destiny, as always! 
     Vader was portrayed the same way he always was in past Lego Star Wars Series!

     Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (Voiced by. Mathew Wood), is the third Antagonist and from the timeline after the events of "The Last Jedi". He makes his appearance when Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader travel to the future and land in Kylo Ren's Closet. Kylo Ren then comes in celebrating and singing on how he is Supreme Leader! He discovers Palpatine and Vader in the closet, by hearing them talking and breathing. Upon seeing Vader he is thrilled, grabs and hugs him and calls Vader Grandpa, and then surprise to see Palpatine. He then tells them both on what became of them during the events of "Return of the Jedi",  by the hands of Darth Vader. This leads Palpatine to turn Kylo Ren into his new apprentice and bring him back into the their time, to change their Destiny, though unaware that he too betrayed his Master Snoke, (just not in the way Palpatine questioned)! Once they are in the timeline of "Return of the Jedi" Palpatine sent Vader to retrieve Jedi Luke, then proceeds to tell Kylo Ren his plan, though he is onboard in destroying Luke, he was not up to destroy Vader. They are soon interrupted by Rey (Who proceeds to call him Ben) and Farm Luke. Because Kylo Ren has yet to go through the event in "The Rise of Skywalker" he fights Rey, who fights back to protect Luke. They are soon joined by Vader and Jedi Luke. This then leads Kylo Ren to face Jedi Luke first, but then faces Rey again. Kylo Ren then extends his desire to have Rey join him, to rule the Galaxy (kinda indicating to the Emperor that Kylo Ren plans to betray him) however she refuse and upon acquire the Crystal Key and returns Kylo Ren to his time, who lashes out on his throne in anger over this defeat! 
      Kylo Ren was portrayed much like his live action version, having that anger issues, but mix with that Lego comedy personality!

     Finn (Voiced by. Omar Miller), had a small role in the Holiday Special, but had great influence that helped Rey save Time. Finn appears, when he is training to become a Jedi and being trained by Rey even using her Lightsaber. However Finn struggles in his training and this leads him to question if he's meant to be one. Rey tells him that he does have potential and the she feels the force within him, however Finn stills struggles and this leads Rey to believe she is the one doing something wrong, Finn tries to tell her that she is doing great, but she did not listen and then proceeds to go on her quest. Finn while waiting for Rey's return, helps Poe, Rose and Chewie preparing for the Life Day Party. Through helping in preparation's Finn was able to use the skills taught by Rey in helping his Friends (To which Rey saw, that gave her the confidence in both defeating the Sith and being ready to teach Finn). At the end of the Holiday Special, Rey gives him her Lightsaber, hinting to Finn that he is ready to become a Jedi, and Rey is ready to teach him (though he still needs work in handling a lightsaber)!
     This Holiday Special reestablish, that Finn does have the Force and become a Jedi. Originally through the trailer and advertisement in "The Force Awakens", Finn was believe to be the next Jedi in the Sequels, but upon release the Movie showed that Rey is to become the next Jedi. 

     Yoda (Voiced by. Tom Kane), is the Narrator of the Lego Star Wars: Holiday Special. He speaks over the Resistance victory against the First Order and and the Sith and bringing Peace to the Galaxy. Yoda then proceeds to talk about Life Day and how this Holiday plays in the heroes Story. Though Yoda starts out as a voice over, he then has physical appearances. The First is in training Luke Skywalker in Dagobah, where was Rey's first destination when finding the Time Crystal. Yoda then appears as a Force Ghost, when Rey felt defeated and helped showed her what she was missing, as well as what it means to be a Teacher and the relationship they have with their students and that the power to make things right is within her. Yoda also narrates what Finn, Poe, Rose and Chewie were doing in preparing for Life Day. Yoda makes a final appearance in Narrating the end results of the Holiday Special and wearing a new outfit that matches to the Holidays! 
     Tom Kane also provided the Voice to Qui-Gon Jinn who also appeared in the Holiday Special!

     Poe Dameron (Voiced by. Jake Green), Rose Tico (Voice by. Kelly Marie Tran) and Chewbacca role in the Holiday Special was minimal. They're part was in setting up the Millennium Falcon for a Life Day Party on Kashyyyk, for Chewie's family who were attending. Poe wanted to make it a perfect gathering, though his initial plan became set back when Rey went on her quest and he tried to pick things back up, though not everything went well, but with the help of Finn and Rose who called in some old friends, they were all able to make a perfect Life Day Party. While, Chewie was keeping his family in check and also making sure they did not eat the Porg!
     Kelly Marie Tran returned to voice Rose Tico, for the Star Wars Holiday Special, being another Actor from the Movie Franchise to play their role again in a animated version!

     The Holiday Special had two Legends from the Original Star Wars Movies, return and provide the voices. These Legends were Anthony Daniels who provided the voice of C-3PO and Billy Dee Williams who provided the voice of Lando Calrissian. 

     The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special contained many References from the Star Wars Franchise and re-showed important moments in the Star Wars Movie. Luke's Training with Master Yoda, Destruction of the Death Star, Death of Snoke, and Sith Fleet on Exegol. Another reference was too the Star Wars Rebels series, as the Time Travel ability use is somewhat similar in Rebels when Ezra enter the Dimension and saw window's of Moments in Time. It also reference to the Freemakers Adventure's, as The Kyber Crytal Key, is also the same to the Kyber Crytal Saber! It also made a similar Reference from Marvel's: Avengers Endgame when both Farm Luke and Jedi Luke met with Kylo Ren!

     The Mandalorian also had a brief Cameo appearance, when Rey and Vader fought over the Time Crystal sent through moments in time. One of those moments that they were sent was when Mando and IG-11 were facing off against Storm Troopers on Nevarro in protecting The Child! 

     The Holiday Special also brought battle sequence's that were often discuss through the Fanbase. Lightsaber Battle between Vader VS Vader (Which would actually be a battle between Vader VS Anakin) and a Battle between Clone Troopers and Storm Troopers, which has been a long wish for Fans to see!

      While the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special, did a lot of character's from the past and the future together and interact, they did miss something. They did not have Palpatine learn that Rey was his Granddaughter, thus not revealing any information on more about Rey's parents!

     The Final Battle at the end was well put together, with the Jedi facing the Sith. First with Rey facing off against Darth Vader and Jedi Luke facing off against Kylo Ren! A classic move in the Main Character from two different Timeline's facing off they're Villains!

     The Star Wars Special is focus on a Holiday known as "Life Day" which is similar to Christmas, as it is about gathering with Friends and Family, enjoying meals, exchanging gifts and being their for one another. 
     This also serves as a Sequel to the original Star Wars Holiday Special that was release in 1978 and was the first animated adaption to the Star Wars franchise!

 My Rating for Lego - Star Wars: Holiday Special is... (Awesome, Funny and Inspiring)

May The Force Be With You




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