The DarkShadow Vol. 2, #8: The Oath To Help

    At the Underground of New York, news of GroundShatter being defeated and taken in by the police, as well as the news of Silver Knight  in New York. Many have gather around the Underground King to discuss over this news.

Underground Citizen #1:
My King, what are we to do. GroundShatter was our only NewBeing we had among us, our greatest warrior... how will we continue our fight!?
Underground Citizen #2:
She's right, our forces can barely handle the police now, were running out of ammunition. And now, we not only have the DarkShadow who is bent finding us... Now we have the Silver Knight!
     Everyone chattered on what would be the next course of action, while the Underground King just sat on his stone throne looking at his citizens.
Underground King:
     He said, as he raised his hand. Everyone was then silent and looked towards the Underground King and saw him rise from his throne. As he walked towards them, the citizens began to kneel and lowered there heads. The Underground King stopped standing over them.
Underground King:
My people, my brothers, my sisters... My Family! I understand your concerns, your fears, but one man no matter how powerful that one is does represent the strength we have together. No matter who stands in our way the Police... This Silver Knight and the DarkShadow, they won't stop in our goal. We will save New York, restore it to it's true "Glory"! Now RISE and stand with me.
     The Underground King said, and they all soon rised to there feet and cheered to the Underground King words.
     Meanwhile at another area in the underground, 3 men are playing cards on a table next to a barrel on fire, while one of them is reading papers that he's holding. Another man steps out to the sewer line and takes a leak, but he is then grabbed and attacked. Back with the other who are still playing card and placing down there chips.
Man #1:
Alright. Tomorrow we attack the ammunition store.
Man #2:
What for again? We gat guns already.
Man #1:
But low on ammunition! We need to resupply if for the for the Siege!
     Just then the man who was attack, unexpectedly came crashing onto the table, dead, cover in bruises, cuts and broken bones. The rest of the men looked and saw the DarkShadow standing there looking right at them.
So... what kind of siege are you planning.
     As the 3 men grabbed there gun and pointed at DarkShadow, the one holding the papers tossed them into the fire barrel burning them. DarkShadow noticed this and turned into Dark Smoke and headed towards the men. They all fired but with no effect as the bullets just passed through the Dark Smoke. DarkShadow then reformed and kick the barrel to the floor, making a few of the papers fall out. DarkShadow then went to attacked the men, disarming two of them of their gun and killing one. The other two took out there knives and attack him, but DarkShadow dodge one of them, and then grabbed the others wrist holding the knife. He then snapped the man's wrist, making him dropped his knife and DarkShadow grabbed it and stabbed the man multiple time in the chest, then right in head killing him. As the man dropped his knife and attempted to flee, DarkShadow took his chain and embedded dark energy around and swung it right at him and the chain slashed through the man in half and he his body became dark dust. DarkShadow wrapped his chain around his right arm, but he then heard gun fire and looked and saw the remaining man behind him, shot him in the back. The bullet came out of DarkShadow and Dark Energy started to heal him. DarkShadow then turned and walked towards the barrel, all the while the man kept shooting at him, but with no effect as the bullets just came out from his armor and Dark Energy healed him. DarkShadow then kneeled down and grabbed a piece of paper and saw the word Catskill, the rest burned from the fire. DarkShadow then stood up and the man continued shooting until he was out of bullets. As DarkShadow healed he put the paper in his pocket and looked towards the man.
Tell me what your planning and I'll grant you mercy, probably!
Man #1:
Ha! I will not betray my King and our Goal to save New York! I do not fear what will become of me!
     He said to DarkShadow refusing to talk. DarkShadow then went towards The Crimson Blood Swords, but then Dark Energy started to form around his right hand and right eye from his mask and he began to feel immense pain. DarkShadow struggled through the pain and then hot on one knee. The man looked and saw the Dark energy forming around his hand and saw it beginning to change. Soon it stopped and DarkShadow was breathing heavily, but then looked towards the man.
Shame! I can't hold it any longer!
Man #1:
What do you mean, what can't you hold?
You said you won't fear what I would have done to you, but you will fear what "IT" will do to you!
     Dark Energy then started to form not just around DarkShadow's arm and eye but all around him. The man looked in horror as the DarkShadow got on his knees and first yelled out in pain but then roared as a beast. The Dark Energy blew out the light turning the room dark. The man was continued terrified as it saw glowing Dark eyes, sharp teeth, a long sharp armored tail and claws grinding on the floor within the dark.
Man #1:
My God! A Demon!
     The man said, as he was then attacked. He screamed beyond pain as he was being torn apart and loud roars were echoing in the sewers.

     The next morning Léonce Knight is stepping outside The Sheraton and enters a limo and drives off.
     The Limo drives Léonce at City Hall and stops. The driver steps out and opens the passenger door and Léonce steps out.
City Hall Mr. Knight
Thank you. I'll be out in an hour or two.
     He said to the driver as he then walk up the stairs and enters the building. Inside the building he is being lead by a secretary who leads him to the Mayors office. Léonce then opens the door and sees the Mayor sitting by his desk. As he enters the room the Mayor stands up and walks to greet Léonce.
Morning Mr. Knight. Please have a sight.

 Thank you and also thank you for meeting with me today.
     Léonce said, as the two then sat down on chairs between the desk.
Of course. I wanted to apologies for that attack yesterday.
     The Mayor said, referring to the attack by the Underground Citizens in an attempt to kill Léonce.
It was assume that they would attack.
Yes, but I should've had police guarding you after. They came after you again at your building.
Everyone did there jobs, no one is to blame. But the Underground Citizens won't stop and I can't allow my people to be put in damage. Until The Underground Citizens are stop, we can't start in restoring the City.
I completely understand. But the police is still in disarray after the corruption with the force. Lieutenants Lydia and Michael are doing the best, but they're not truly ready for such heavy responsibility, until I find the right candidate to take over. I fear we'll lose more structure within the city.
That is why I, The Silver Knight will be assisting and helping the police in dealing with the Underground Citizens, however I do feel we should try finding a peaceful resolution to these people.
Perhaps. I can understand that they have been put through hardships over the years and after the events with Ifrit and The Hellfire Gang, they lost much more than I can imagine, but there actions are causing damages and bloodshed, I fear peace may be the furthest away right now.
If you don't try at least, then you are of what they are making you out to be!
     Léonce said to the Mayor as they both then starred at each other in silent.
     Léonce was then stepping out from the City Hall Building and walking towards the limo, where the driver opened the door to the passengers seat.
I trust all went well Mr. Knight.
It was the start to progress and that a good thing. Take me to KNIGHT International.
     He said as he entered the limo and the driver closed the door and drove off.

     Later at sunset, a local library was closing, as the last librarian left and the light turn off. Dark Smoke started coming through the glass ceiling window and reformed into the DarkShadow (Back to his original form). DarkShadow then walked towards and sat in front a computer. He then started it up and began to search on the word he discovered "Catskill".

     Meanwhile at KNIGHT International, Léonce is working in his private lab looking at schematics for the development of rebuilding New York.
Hmm. What do you think? Think this area needs a games store, cause every kid wants to get to the nearest game store as fast as possible, to get the latest game.
Children always seemed eager to get the next big thing coming out, Sir.
Yeah. I remember when I was a kid, I was SO eager to get the new Action Figure coming up, especially around Christmas time. And my dad was all like "Son, A true knight must be patient in achieving they're goal". But as always I had no clue what he meant by that. Still don't.

Patients, hasn't really been the greatest attribute you possess most of the time, Sir.

Ha, yeah. That's why I designed you SQUIRE. To help me out.
     Just then the room started to flash red and an alarm started going off.
SQUIRE, what's going on.
    Then a holographic screen showing a map of New York displays at Léonce.
Sir! Multiple weapon dealer shops are being attacked. Police reports of Underground forces being responsible.
How is it being handle.
Police are being overwhelmed, Due to so many places being attacked!
There gonna need help. SQUIRE!
Readying preparations now sir!
     A few minutes later, Léonce is standing on a Knight Shield emblem, wearing a latex cybernetic suit. Then the Shield Emblem on the floor glowed, and machine arms started popping up from the floor and started covering Léonce in silver armor, turning him into the Silver Knight. Once it was finished the roof of the building started to open revealing the sky. Silver Knight looked up and his thruster from his back and feet started to ignite and shot him into the sky and fly off to face the Underground Citizens. 
    At one of the weapon dealers shops, two police officers are in a shoot out against 6 Underground Citizens, while 2 other started taking guns and ammo and loading them into a van. The officers used there car doors to shield themselves, and one of them manage to kill one of the Underground Citizens. However that officer was then shot in the shoulder wounded, as the other officer provided cover fire, he also went on the radio.
Officer #1:
This is unit 3335, Officer hit, were pinned down, we need back up.
    As he waited for a respond while also shooting, the officer started to become overwhelmed by  relentless fire by the Underground Citizens. Then a Underground Citizens pop up behind the uninjured officer, pointing his gin at him, as he was about to fire. They heard  a sound and looked to the sky and saw as the Silver Knight came crashing down next to the Underground Citizens. He moved to point his gun at the Silver Knight but he grabbed the gun and crushed it an then grabbed the Underground Citizen and tossed him up in the air and he crashed on a car. Silver Knight then looked and made his way to the other Underground Citizens who started fire at him, only for the bullets to just bounce off or lodge in his armor. Silver Knight then stopped and raised his arms towards the Underground Citizens and gun barrels started to pop out from the sides and started firing relentless bullets killed three, while the others took cover.  Silver Knight then stopped and attacked the remaining four, destroying their guns, and punched two in the chest sending them flying to the wall, then energy blast one of them from his hand. Silver Knight then saw the last Underground Citizen getting into the van and driving off with the guns, so Silver Knight right his right arm towards a van and a small missile was launch from his arm. The missile hit the van, causing a explosion. After the Underground Citizens were defeated, Silver Knight went to go check on the Policer Officers.
Silver Knight:
Are you alright.
Officer #2:
Got hit in the shoulder but I think I'll be OK.
Silver Knight:
A medic is arriving, continue applying pressure to the wound and you will make a recovery.
Officer 1:
Thank you for your help.
Silver Knight:
Just doing what I was created for and my task is not done yet!
     Silver Knight then flew to the night sky, heading towards another weapons dealer shop being raided by the Underground Citizens.
     Meanwhile back at the Library The DarkShadow continued to do his research on the computer, gathering the information he needs to know on what the Underground Citizens might be planning. Then a flash of light came behind his back.
Officer #3:
Freeze! Turn around and with your hands up!
     DarkShadow comply as he raised his hands and turned around and saw three police officers standing there.
Officer #4:
Holy Sh*t! It's the DarkShadow! We just caught the DarkShadow:
     The Officer said, as they all then started to move closer and one of them holding handcuffs.
Officer #3:
You know for one with a reputation like yours, would think to be careful not to set off any alarms.
     He said as he then attempted to cuff DarkShadow, but once he grabbed his right hand, DarkShadow moved, got up from the chair and attack the three police officers using there cuffs to lock and tangle them together. The officers were then tangled to each other and were on the floor, as DarkShadow stood there looking down on them.
Hmp. I never make mistakes!
     DarkShadow then turned into Dark Smoke and vanished, leaving the officer, while also leaving the computer on with a page open showing about the Catskill/Delaware systems.
To Be Continued... 


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