Wizards- Tales of Arcadia
Wizards-Tales of Arcadia: Review
By. Justin Azevedo

By. Justin Azevedo

Synopsis: Taking place moments after the Invasion of General Merando. Douxie (by. Collin O'Donoghue) is a Wizard in Arcadia, who has waited 900 years for the Return of his Master Merlin (Voiced by. David Bradley), who has called upon him to assemble the heroes of the town! To battle a New Evil, called the Green Knight. However in order to defeat this enemy, or heroes must travel to the past in order to better understand the Green Knight and how to defeat him!
This Tale, really brought out everything related to the Trollhunter series (They did add much to 3Below)! Adding many characters from past Season's, but creating New Ones, Including a New Main Protagonist for This Season. They really diverse the adversaries. First facing off against the main enemy the Green Knight, then time travel, facing Gunmar and Morgan once again, then back to the Green Knight and his cohorts!
Douxie the Newest Protagonist of the Trilogy really embrace his role in this season! He spent his l2th century years as a Clumsy apprentice, taking the easy way out, using a Broom Trick (That were all familiar with, with a certain mouse with a Magical Hat), then spent his 21st years as a secret guardian of the world as well as running a café. When he finally get the call from his Master Merlin (At long last, cause he knew Merlin awaken, but didn't call upon him when he did), he was ready to prove himself, show how much he has grown, but to Merlin still sees the Clumsy apprentice who still doesn't understand the real importance of Magic. When Douxie got sent back to he past, he began to really understand what Merlin meant, how to truly use his powers! At the end he, finally came to understand what Merlin was teaching him and is ready, "Staff" in hand to defend the Earth, from the threat that he still faces!
Claire really grew this season, she always thought she was more helpful when she had the Shadow staff. but throughout the season, she began to feel the Magic within her, when the one she loved is in danger and with Douxie help, she began to truly embrace her power! Also she began to understand more about Morgana, what lead to her fate to become Evil and began to feel sorry for her, even wanting to help her find a better path.
The Green Knight, a mysterious enemy at first! we got out first glimpse of him in 3Below. He was a formidable Warrior, and seemed to have a connection to Merlin. As the Series progress, I began to suspect more on his identity. His goal, in his belief is the path to redemption, cause the legacy he left behind, is one of ruined and chaos and must be cleanse and start anew!
Morgana, we see her origin's how she started out as the sister to her brother Arthur and friend to his Queen Guinevere. She could feel the disappointment from Arthur over the loss they both suffered towards her. She could not stand beside him, over his goals to eliminate those of Magical Descent and we see how their views, leads into conflict and her descent into becoming the Dark Queen. However through this season we see another side of her, one of regret and seeking only to right, her wrong!
Merlin we see is still the same as he has always been, in any timeline it would seem. He thinks he knows what must be, done no matter the cost. However throughout the season his mind starts to embrace the idea's of his companion's, especially his apprentice, who he entrust to keep the world safe from the forces that threaten it
The Arcane Order, a New Enemy specific to this Season, but has played a role, that lead to the events of the Trollhunter Series. As the First One's to Magic, they believe it is their responsibility to protect it and believe to do that is to destroy it's greatest threat "Humanity". They first attempt was with Morgana, but then set their eyes on a New Warrior and created the Green Knight.
Through this series we see how it all began for the Trollhunter, the start of the War, Gunmar's banishment, Aaaargh starting out as a Gunm Gunm, Blinky and his brother's separation, and the First Trollhunter Deya wielding Daylight! However we also see event's in the past that are related to the current threat at hand, the Arcane Order!
And of course Jim. He faces a lot of challenges in this season, facing more of the Troll within him, but with the Help of his friends and Claire, he'll be back to his "Old Self"! However, he'll need to be ready for the challenges ahead, and he must find the strength to see that he is Worthy to wield a New Sword of Legend!
The Season really brought out a lot of elements, Action, Adventure, Suspense, Mystery and Magic! The Character faced a lot of challenges that tested them, including the Main Character. It gave past foes the chance to redeem themselves. And it leads to a great battle yet to come, however it also sets up for the 21st century to have a New "Merlin" and "Arthur" to protect it!
My Rating for Wizards-Tales of Arcadia is... (EPIC)
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